Stafford, VA


Drug Rehab Centers Can Help You Focus on a Positive Future

If you are currently in the throes of an active drug addiction, you might feel as if you don’t have a future at all. Being dependent on drugs or abusing alcohol can make you feel hopeless, and it can have many consequences in your life. However, you should know that it is possible to make positive changes and create a better future for yourself. With the help of a drug rehab center like our addiction recovery facility in Stafford, Virginia, you can begin working towards changing your life for the better.

Get Started on the Right Foot with Our Stafford Drug Detox Clinic

First of all, many people have a difficult time making it through the detox stage. For just about any person addicted to drugs, the temptation to return to using can be very strong, particularly when the uncomfortable side effects of withdrawal set in. Going through detox can also be dangerous, depending on the substance that you are addicted to. It is not something that you want to do on your own if you want to keep yourself safe and improve your chances of success.

In our Stafford addiction recovery center, however, you can get the help that you supervision you need to safely detox. Here, you will be in a monitored, safe setting with professionals caring for you. Our compassionate staff members know just how difficult this process is; they have helped many clients just like you get through it in the past. They will do whatever’s necessary to keep you comfortable, keeping an eye on you to ensure you’re safe and comfortable. During this time, you will be in a secure, structured and, peaceful environment.

Our Addiction Treatment Facility in Stafford Focuses on the Root Causes of Your Problems

In our Stafford addiction treatment facility, we don't just help you get clean. Instead, we want to figure out what is causing your problems so that we can help you solve them and look towards a positive, sober future. For example, we focus on dual diagnosis to treat the overall mental health of each client.

Some people don't even know that they have an unresolved mental health issue, which include anxiety and depression. They may also not realize that mental health issues can contribute to their addiction. Our team of professionals will help identify these issues and provide you solutions.

Our Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Will Help You Stay Clean...Now and Later

Once you have initially gotten sober and have worked with a counselor to get to the bottom of your mental health problems, you can spend your time in our Stafford addiction recovery program focusing on staying sober both now and later. We understand how difficult this is, so we put forth the effort to arm you with the necessary tools.

For example, you'll have a strong addiction recovery support system while you are here, both from our staff members and from the other clients who are focusing also doing their best to stay sober. You'll attend group meetings, classes, and sessions that will focus on the various areas of addiction to arm you with the resources you need to continue to stay off drugs once you’ve returned home.

Our addiction treatment center in Stafford will work with you to come up with a plan for aftercare after you go home, depending on your situation. We truly want you to be successful the first time so you can stay sober and enjoy a positive future.

Getting and staying sober might be one of the most difficult things you will ever do. However, it can also be life-changing in many ways, helping you feel you have a future again. This is not something you need to undergo on your own. Instead, contact Overbrooke today at our drug rehab facility in Stafford, Virginia to find out how we can help. You won’t regret it.

Telephone: (540) 242-4725

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